Kohler Generators info
Kohler Standby Generators for Home and Business
Kohler Generators—Innovative Discoveries and Advances in Power Since 1920
Today, in same the spirit as their innovation in the 1920s, Kohler backup generators add security and convenience to a home while keeping you and your family safe during a power outage. When summer thunderstorms, tropical cyclones, or winter ice storms interrupt power, your home and family will barely notice the outage. Kohler generators keep the power on when you need it most and continue to keep it on when the outage extends into days or even weeks.
Kohler became a part of history when Admiral Robert Byrd took their electrical generators along on his first two expeditions to the south pole on the Antarctica Continent in 1928 and 1934. Later, they supplied generators to all theaters for the war effort during World War II. After the war, they began supplying emergency generators to institutions that needed an uninterrupted power source such as hospitals or government buildings and factories.
Early beginnings gave Kohler Generators a well-earned place as a supplier and innovator of solutions for residential, commercial, and industrial standby and emergency power with a commitment toward improving existing products and innovating new ones with world-class engineering and after-sale support.
Kohler Home Backup generators can supply most homes with enough power. Kohler Power Systems bundles standby generators with automatic transfer switches that turn on and begin supplying power to the home within seconds of an outage. Popular Home generators with a 200-Amp Automatic Transfer Switch include the 26kW Generator, 20kW Generator, 14kW Generator and 12kW Generator.
For larger homes and small businesses, Kohler Liquid-Cooled Generators supply up to 150 kilowatts. Popular models for homes include the Kohler 24kW Generator, 30kW Generator, 38kW Generator, 48kW Generator, and 60kW Generator.
Norwall PowerSystems is a Kohler authorized dealer of Standby Backup Generators, Automatic Transfer Switches, and Accessories. We've been selling online for more than 25 years and provide our customers with exceptional knowledge, free shipping, the best prices, and great customer service.