Kohler Generators
Kohler generators has delivered energy solutions worldwide since 1920. Inspired by an innovative discovery, Kohler began delivering the revolutionary "Kohler Automatic Power & Light" generator system to rural farms where electricity was not yet available. The automatic generator turned itself on and off as electricity was needed.
Today, in same the spirit as their innovation in the 1920s, Kohler backup generators add security and convenience to your home while keeping you and your family safe during a power outage. When summer thunderstorms, tropical cyclones, or winter ice storms interrupt power, your home and family will barely notice the outage.
Kohler generators keep the power on when you need it most and continue to keep it on when the outage extends into days or even weeks. More...
Model #: 12RES-QS11
Kohler 12RES 12kW Generator NG or LP Home Standby or Off Grid | 12RES
Norwall's Low Price
$5,170.00 -
Model #: 12RESVL-100LC12
Kohler 12kW Generator + 100 Amp 12- Circuit Load Center ATS | 12RESVL-100LC12
Norwall's Low Price
$4,500.00 -
Model #: 12RESV-QS8
Kohler 12kW Generator Home Standby + Remote Energy Management | 12RESV
Norwall's Low Price
Norwall PowerSystems is a Kohler authorized dealer of standby backup generators, Automatic Transfer Switches, (ATS) and accessories. We've been selling online for more than 17 years and provide our customers with free shipping, the best prices, and great customer service.